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Month: October 2017

Barclay’s Paragraph

Social media is changing people personality online compared to them self outside social media. Mostly in today’s world teens are using social media to connect with their friends and sharing things they are doing on social media. Personality is changing with teens and they are acting in a different way. In Boyd’s passage, “Teens are strange online.” I totally agree with Boyd’s message in his passage because he is right and teens are not being their true self on social media. Teens are being strange and different because they want to make more friends and create an new environment for them self. Social media for teens is like being a different person in a new world. They want to be different and teens on social media want to get out of their comfort zone and be free. Similarly, According to Greenfield’s passage, “People creates them self different identity on social media accounts”. People want to have a different identity and want to show the way they express them self on social media. Greenfield agrees when he writes,”Your online self and your ”true self” are not necessarily the same.” I agree with this  statement because the way you are on social media is different as the person you are or the personality you have outside social media. People want to be different because they might not like their true self and want to change by acting as a different person on social media.

Framing the Literacy Snapshot Analysis Reflection

Writing as a Recursive Process Page: Literacy Narrative





Final Draft



When I started to write this paper I was worried because I have not written a paper in two years since I was in high school. In the paper, I  had to brainstorm and put my ideas together. I think about times when I was a young kid in school and the help I got when I struggle. The assignment goal was to tell your interactive narrative experience and compared to Dweck and also other sources we did in class. For myself, I try to do my best and put the details the assignment said to do. My first draft was rusty and needed more details. Couple of days later, our class did peer review on google docs which I never did before and it helped me a lot to see other students adding comments on what I should do. The idea was to look for global revision which is looking at the “big picture”. Big Picture is showing what is happening in the paper and was mostly important during peer review compared to local revision. Local revision  is the little details like grammar and sentence errors. My strength was remembering the details and things that happened when I was in school. The growth was that the paper changed in many ways and got better as I added more details. Finally, The challenges on the essay was putting the information on the essay and how I started it. Revising challenges was trying to find the errors and sometimes it hard when you are justing reading it. I like how when others read my essay and they find errors that I am not seeing sometimes.  


Doing annotations is actually a new thing that I never use before. When I first did annotations I was doing summaries on every chapter and I notice that you have to engaged in the text and ask the reader questions as you go on. This help you understand the text or chapter you are reading by knowing the summary of it. The annotations that I have been doing is sticky notes and just on a paper. I personally like writing on a paper by listing summaries, questions, and connections. My strength on annotations is writing notes on summaries and questions I have. The growth was that I change while doing annotations and figure out the right way. The right way is getting engaged in the text and asking questions to the text. The challenges is making sure I get engaged with the text and sometimes I struggle on the connections I can make. For example, In  Carol Dweck TED Talk  I did underlining and writing connections on the side. Next, In the book They Say, I Say I use sticky notes on chapters where it can be an advantage to go and look at the connections or questions you had on that certain chapter.


Peer Reviewing is definitely new for me and I never had classmates check my work before. It helps a lot by having a different eye looking at the essay and classmates will give good feedback on what they like and what can be better. My strength on doing peer reviewing is seeing if they have the big picture done or does it make sense. The growth was that I got much better revising classmates work and you have to be careful expressing your words on what is wrong or right. Next, the challenges were trying to find errors such as putting a quote somewhere or should they be a comma somewhere in the essay. Having preparation is key and is important to revise your work the right way and fixing your mistakes. This process is new and it amazing how technology work these days where you can go on Google Docs. You see different classmates comment and advices on your work. I believe this tool definitely help myself so you can see what can be better in your essay. In the past, I will have a teacher telling me the mistakes I have on the essay and sometimes it did not really help understand the mistakes. Overall, The advantages is that it helps me and makes the essay better. The disadvantages is that it’s hard revising someone’s work and you have to do it the right way.  

Boyd’s Chapter 1

Boyd’s claim that context matters and not everyone is going to take things the same as you rests upon the questionable assumption that people should think before they post something on social media.

According to Boyd, “Because social media often brings together multiple social contexts, teens struggle to effectively manage social norms.”

What is your current social media self?

I don’t use different social media accounts for different audiences and all my accounts are friends I know and people who I like. I changed a lot using social media and it helps me in a way on what’s going on in the world. All my friends have social media and its a great way to see what’s going on with them. I interact with all my friends and I enjoy it.

ENG 110H1 Ted Talk Sherry Turkle Connected, but Alone

The main argument in this video is that technology can change the way we are and the things we do in life. She interviewed a lot of people and support them in many ways. She commands to use less time on technology and have relationships with people. The things that she sees shows what type of people they are and relationships they have. I believe that she is right and technology is changing the world. Technology is only going to get better and this could lead into many changes with humans around the world.

ENG 110H1 Ted Talk Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

The main argument in Robert Waldinger Ted talk is that he believes that having a good life must have good relationships.  He emphasize that relationships is important in life and shows someones personality and how these relationships affect people later in life. People who are in good relationships are much happier and will live longer. Also claims those who are lonely or isolated will be unhappy and could have shorter lives. Robert did studies on inner city Boston men and interviewed them. Robert’s group corroborated with the men and got medical records, draw their blood, and scan their brains. Also they talk to their children and videotaped them talking to their wives. He advocates ideas were to study the men and see if they have a good or bad relationship with their wives.  Robert claims that the study definitely shows that good relationships keep us happier and healthier. 

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