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Month: November 2017

Big Data Brainstorming

  • The areas that interest me the most is how data is being used and the privacy of data. The data companies offer to customers and how customers use data. My topic will be on how privacy is being used on big data and how people react. Also another interest is the government and how they make rules with big data and privacy.



Is privacy a major concern on big data? In today world, Information are collected for many reasons such as using social media, internet, or going to shopping places. Mostly data is being collected by the U.S. government to see if someone has a specious background or history. I believe the data is being used in a good way and in a bad way. Data can be used to collect information from customers and most stores will sent discount on items or sales to the customers. This way attract customers and will bring them back. On the other hand, sometimes collecting data goes to far and people want privacy. For example, a person might be uncomfortable to share information like address, phone number, or security number. There are other ways but companies need to make regulations on data and information that is being collected. Big data is important to everyone and protection is worried a lot.



I will talk little of both sources and talk about the evidence about big data and privacy between companies and customers. Each sources have good examples and bad examples on big data and privacy. Mostly my main focus is privacy of big data and how it is being affected to companies, people, government.

  1. (Brian Naylor, Congress Overturns Internet Privacy Regulation, NY Times, article, March 28, 2017)
  2. (Ron Nixton, U.S. to Collect Social Media on All Immigrants Entering Country, NY Times, article, September 28, 2017)

What is your Plan?

  • I will look up for one more source for privacy concerns
  • Drafting? I will brainstorm before my draft and lay out the structure of the paper. Also what to write about on each paragraph.
  • Naysayer? I will talk about the reactions from people, companies, and government. I will show evidence to support my naysayer.


Ways that I generate my data

I generated most of my data by social media, pictures, and texting. My data is mostly being used for things that I like doing such as taking pictures and checking things on social media like news related things. I mostly get my news on social media compared to watching the news or reading the newspaper. Texting is used for communicating with friends and family mostly. Using the amount of data shows what you use a lot and you can check what apps you use the most on your cell phone. It really does not matter what data I use the most because I need these things in my life like going on social media to check the news or texting family to be able to communicate daily. How will we live without data?

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